It’s a great way to capture the babies’ attention, and will keep them engaged so that you can ensure physical separation. Via The Train Driver’s Wife 9) Baby Nursery Rhymes It will be easy to keep the babies socially distant as they engage in their gross motor and problem solving skills. This is one of my favorite things to create for an infant classroom. Via House of Burke 8) Spider Web Discovery Basket Either way, your babies will strengthen their auditory and tactile exploration, while having a great time. You can use toy guitars, or create your own as detailed on the website. Oh, the 2020 of it all!Įngaging activity? Check! Can be modified to adhere to social distancing parameters? You betcha! Easily created from items that are already in your classroom? Ding-ding-ding! This is how they learn about the world! A sensory experience in a plastic bag is easy to disinfect, and will also keep the little ones easily separated. Via My Mundane and Miraculous Life 5) Sensory Bagsīabies are sensorimotor scientists. Tummy time will have an extra layer of fun and challenge for your infants’ developing muscles! Via Laughing Kids Learn 4) Balancing on a Squishy Ball The babies’ fine motor skills will be developed, and the babies’ level of engagement will make it easy to keep them distant from each other. This activity can last for quite some time. However, it is very easy to create a personalized, small obstacle course for every infant in your cohort, using items that you already have. This gross motor curriculum may require some extra disinfecting after each use. Simply keep the mirrors in different parts of the classroom and watch the babies develop their fledgling social interest, and sense of self skills. Social distancing is easily achieved with this simple and developmentally appropriate activity for infants. Superhero you may be, but even Wonder Woman accepted some help! So here is a list of 50 childcare activities that you can incorporate into your programming while maintaining social distancing.These lessened ratios will aid in social distancing. Some parents have also made the choice to return to childcare at a later date. Childcare centers, managers, and directors have done a wonderful job adhering to new protocols, including lessening the number of children in attendance.Through your training, experience, tenacity, gumption, intelligence, and jaw-dropping good looks, you can do anything! You’re like a Project Runway contestant – you’ll make it work. At the risk of sounding dramatic, you’re pretty much a superhero. First, you are an early childhood educator.However, there are a number of items in your educator wheelhouse to get you through. When you examine it with this lens, promoting social distancing in classrooms can seem impossible. Early childhood classrooms are set up to accommodate a large and diverse group of children at once. One of the expected developmental outcomes in the preschool years is an upward trajectory in social growth, how they enter play, and how they make friends. Friendships and connections are extremely important. It is, in fact, developmentally appropriate for them to play in such a manner. A toddler can dump out a container of blocks, play a musical instrument, and kick a few soccer balls in the time that it takes for you to pick a toy truck off the floor. There was an emphasis on social distancing, and this felt impossible in an early childhood class for the following reasons: As a childcare professional, I remember reading about the suggested strategies in which learning environments were to open safely. When we look back at COVID-, we will clearly remember two words: social distancing.