Westchester County, N.Y., a covered family member includes a person related by blood or affinity.Ĭalifornia, if employees accrue leave (instead of leave being front loaded), hard annual accrual caps cannot be used. In Washington, D.C., a covered family member includes a person with whom the employee shares or has shared, for at least the preceding 12 months, a mutual residence and with whom the employee maintains a committed relationship. Oakland, Calif., shortly after being hired, and annually each year after, unmarried employees must be allowed to designate a person for whom they can use leave. Maryland, outside the construction industry, the law applies upon the expiration of a CBA entered into before June 1, 2017.

1, 2012 expires or is renegotiated similarly, in The law applies to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) inĬonnecticut, the law applies once a CBA entered into before Jan. Tacoma, Wash., if an employer uses vacation or paid time off (PTO) to comply with the law, the entire leave bank-not just the amount of leave required by the law-is subject to the law's protections. In Berkeley, Calif., benefits that are not payable from an employer's general assets cannot be used to satisfy an employer's paid leave obligations. Based on that survey, we highlight below one provision from each jurisdiction with a generally-applicable PSST law (and some industry-specific and federal government contractor laws) that demonstrates why developing a multi-city, multi-state or nationwide PSST policy may be a hard resolution for employers to keep, depending on where they operate and the methods of compliance chosen. To test that theory, we reviewed the basic aspects of PSST laws (i.e., an employer's available methods for complying, types of family members for whom leave may be used, rules about accrual, etc.) across jurisdictions to identify particular pain points. Without fail, and despite some overlap, each new state or local law seems to contain one provision that could interfere with the goal of establishing uniform practices. Developing a paid sick and safe time (PSST) policy that complies uniformly across the U.S.-or at least with laws in two or more jurisdictions-is increasingly challenging for employers.